Because of the situation of Russian invasion on Ukraine, its important for us to understan how Russian propaganda system works. It’s also important to know why it’s going on and that it has not started on 24th of February but earlier than that - on our news portals, social media and the web as we know it.

This guide is focused on building the basic knowledge on what is happening at this moment in terms of fake news propaganda and to change the way you think and what you do: rather than panic and share materials of unknown origin, asses the situation and think about it. The most brutal fight is happening on Ukrainian soil, but there is another one - on our social media and www and it is crucial to not become a prisoner of the Russian narrative. We are here not to scare you but help you to gain the basic ability of information assessment.

G2A’s employees are all working in tech business and should have to best skills to carefully assess the situation. If you still are not sure what to do after this guide - consult a friend of coworker who has technical skills and is internet-fluent.

At the end of this article you can find a list of organizations you can support.

G2A has it’s own fund for the Ukrainian cause so be sure to support it as well!

First, let me show you an entry by Tomka Stachery z AWS:

CleanShot 2022-02-24 at 14.38.01@2x.png

Tomek is saying something very important here:


What do you think has the biggest credibility:, or ? The answer is just around the corner - first google, than Wikipedia search(but in these two situations - please also be very careful!) - only then we can find this. Oneworld is a pro-russian webpage:

CleanShot 2022-02-24 at 15.34.24@2x.png

If you look at the headlines, you can spot pro-russian narrative the webpage has:

CleanShot 2022-02-24 at 15.30.40@2x.png

CleanShot 2022-02-24 at 15.30.59@2x.png

And this is only one of the examples!